Sunday, February 24, 2008

Live from New York - A Shameless Appeal to Vote for a B%#@h, Hillary Clinton

I have watched Saturday Night Live for my entire life. When I was young I remember eagerly waiting for the next Mr. Bill sketch. I grew up and went to school watching Ed Grimly, Toonces the Driving Cat, Sprockets and Wayne's World. In times of an excellent cast and great writers, I watched the show. In bad times when that wasn't the case, (and there have been far too many years where the cast and/or writing hasn't been very good one must admit) I continued to watch the show. I always enjoyed SNL's unique brand of social satire and political humor.
With this in mind, I watched Saturday Night Live's first show since the writer's strike and the first of 2008. Tina Fey was the host - I was looking forward to seeing the ex-cast member and one of my favorite writers back on SNL. The opening sketch was a parody of the Democratic debates which seemed to give an impression that the media was in love with Barack Obama (something I would dispute.) The sketch was shallow, but physical impressions were done well. Then came the Weekend Update sketch where Tina Fey made an appearance. I have to say, my wife and I were shocked and disgusted. Tina Fey had a tirade that was nothing but a humorless endorsement for Hillary Clinton. She made her argument that "B*%#h was the new black", an obvious assessment that voter's support for Obama was just a fad, and the next fad would be voting for a B*#&h, i.e. Hillary Clinton. She claimed that people were upset at Hillary Clinton, not for her Iraq War vote, or support of NAFTA, but because Bill Clinton would be there to help her. I'm sorry but Bill Clinton's experience would probably be an asset to Hillary Clinton - but for the fact that she is so polarizing that they would block every attempt she would make to do anything. Tina Fey misses the whole point - we are tired of the politics of fierce division and partisanship that marked much of the Bill Clinton and all of the George W. Bush administrations. We are tired of B*%#hes. We want real unity, real hope for tomorrow and real progress - not a B*$&h. I was very upset by Tina Fey's naked appeals to the voters of Ohio and Texas. It was not funny and it had no place on SNL. Contrary to Ms.Fey's argument, B*%#hes don't get things done. They get people upset and that interferes with their ability to get important things done. The paradigm is shifting and it is shifting in Obama's favor not in any B*&%h's favor.


aDIM said...

I have to say I disagree. What SNL did was spot on and I'm glad they chose not to jump on the Barack Obama bandwagon. If Hillary was ever caught lifting passages from other politician's speeches, passing out false campaign information, or had a record as thin as Obama's, you know the media would be all over her. It's a double standard and it's not fair.

Matt said...

"Lifting passages from other politicians speeches" is a common practice. Barack Obama did not use those lines without permission so that is a non-issue. HRC has used large passages from her husband and John Edwards too. It's not much of an issue.

Hillary Clinton has been passing out questionable flyers about Obama.

Obama's record is not thin. He has an excellent record of standing up for people in Illinois, Ethics reform in Washington, and Nuclear Non-Proliferation in the Senate.

The point of my posting was that it was out of place. It was not funny at all and was a mean-spirited way to advocate for Hillary Clinton. I thought it was a poor way to portray HRC as well as to dismiss we Obama supporters as subject to a passing fad.

Anonymous said...

Yooo i saw this and thought of youuuu

Its Tyra from Work- you know "I'm freakin out of here!"

I lost your info in the move but i had this bookmarked; e-mail me,

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched SNL in years but felt Hillary's reference to Senator Obama needed a pillow was tasteless and apparently, I wasn't the only one who thought so. While my following of this campaign has been sadly lacking, I am impressed by what little I have seen of him. I don't endorse everything he stands for but he has articulated his beliefs and rationalized America's discomfiture with the Bush administration quite well. I intend to give him my vote next week in Ohio's primary. I have also borrowed his book, Audacity to Hope, from a friend. I hope this will give me further insight into the man. I hope that this time around, America will choose the vision over the experience. God knows we don't need anymore of this shit we've been dealing with for the last seven years.

Matt said...

Thank you very much for your words, Anonymous.

As a former Ohioan and a strong Obama supporter, I am very glad that you will be voting for him in Ohio.

I happen to feel he has the right kind of experience for the Presidency - not just in Washington, but in dealing with real people as well. I wrote a post about this about a month ago.

Thank you again for your support and let's help turn this country around!

Anonymous said...

Have you been on How accurate would you say this page is for learning about a candidate's stance on an issue? I have been looking at it to get a feel for the candidates although Obama already has my vote.

Anonymous said...

I too would like to know if is a good site to read.

Matt said...

I have checked out and found it to be seriously leaning to the right and putting things into questionable contexts. Plus there are many omissions. I would say there are better ways to find this information. If you do use that site, remember its obviously partisan slant.


About Me

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Lima, Ohio, United States
I was born and raised in Ohio. I am a lifelong Catholic Christian who has always been interested in the big questions of life. I have a passion for learning especially Philosophy, Science, Religion, History and Culture. I graduated from the University of Toledo in 2001 with a B.A. in International Relations. I married my soul-mate, Jen in 2001 and we moved to rural Tanigumi-mura Japan where we taught English for 3 years. We moved to California and lived in San Francisco and the Bay Area for 4 years. Tired of sitting on the sidelines, I began volunteering for the Barack Obama campaign in March of 2007 and was eventually hired as a Field Organizer. Through the Obama campaign, I found my calling and moved back to Ohio to continue organizing. In 2009 I helped the field operations of the Keith Wilkowski for Mayor of Toledo race. After that, I was hired as a Regional Field Director for 15 northwestern and north central Ohio counties for the 2010 Democratic Coordinated Campaign. Jen and I are continuing to volunteer as we wait for the next organizing opportunity to present itself.