Here are my top 5 reasons for supporting Barack Obama for president of the United States of America.
1. Barack Obama brings a message of hope and optimism to politics that has been long absent in our nation’s recent history. He is inspiring millions of new voters and giving hope to many who had been turned off by negativity, dishonesty and corruption in politics. He has asked his supporters not just for their money, but has given them the opportunity to get involved and be a part of something greater than themselves.
2. Obama is appealing not just to Democrats, but also Independents and Republicans who see the need to work together to solve many of this nation’s problems such as healthcare, education, energy, and the economy. More so than any other candidate, Obama seeks to build a new collation to tackle these large scale problems.
3. After what will have been 8 years of a disastrous Bush Presidency, Obama seeks to bring competent people to fill important government posts. He is not taking any money in his campaign from Washington lobbyists or PACs. The people he appoints will be answerable to the American people and not special interests. In confronting entrenched interests such as the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, Obama wants to televise these discussions and through transparency, the people will see what is happening.
4. Obama has a comprehensive vision and sees how many of our problems and thus their solutions are tied together. He argues in his book “The Audacity of Hope” how creating “green” jobs to work for energy independence will strengthen our economy, lessen our dependence on foreign oil and create new opportunities for millions of workers in America, while addressing the challenges of global warming and pollution.
5. Obama is the most electable democrat. By appealing to Independents and some Republicans, he will be able to draw votes that other democratic candidates cannot. Here are some polls that show how Obama ranks head to head against John McCain (who seems to be the Republican frontrunner):
Cook Political Report/RT Strategies Poll. Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2008. N=855 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.4.
McCain: 45% McCain: 41%
Clinton: 41% Obama: 43%
ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2008. N=1,249 adults nationwide. Fieldwork by TNS. Current results based on registered voters.
McCain: 50% McCain: 47%
Clinton: 45% Obama: 48%
If John McCain is the Republican nominee, he will be difficult to beat. Obama has the best chance of doing so, by appealing to people outside the Democratic Party. John McCain has said that troops may remain in Iraq for another 50, 60 or even 100 years. Obama opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning and is committed to bringing our troops home as quickly and as safely as possible.
On February 5, 2008, Stand for Change and vote for Barack Obama!
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