Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Carsharing in San Francisco
There are 2 other car sharing competitors in San Francisco: Zip Car and Flex Car, but we are very happy with the non-profit City Car Share. Car sharing reduces the amount of cars in the city and makes more efficient use of the space and other resources. Just consider how much of the time most people’s cars are sitting parked and undriven, depreciating in value, and taking up room that could be better utilized. I highly recommend the concept of carsharing to anyone who lives in an urban environment.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
A Dream Fulfilled - A New Dream Begins...
Jen and I really feel that we can truly begin to work to our fullest potential in San Francisco. While things have been better for us in Livermore, California than they were back in Ohio, we still felt stifled for many reasons. Now we feel a great sense of relief, and are full of hope and optimism for the future.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Americans Win
Friday, November 03, 2006
Oversight - Coming Soon?
This brings me to my current thoughts. What am I hoping will be accomplished with a Democratic majority in congress? I believe it is oversight. This GOP dominated congress has rubber stamped just about anything President Bush wanted. Where are the investigations into the botched up situation on Iraq? Where are the investigations to see if our civil rights are being violated? Where are the investigations into the missing $9 Billion in Iraq? So, I hope and pray that there will be some checks and balances though congressional oversight after the elections. So lets hope the Democrats win both the House and the Senate.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Angelides for Governor
Friday, October 13, 2006
My "Personal DNA"
I came out as an “Advocating Creator”. While I may take exception at some of the labels used, I think it is a rather good indicator of my personality.
My Personal Dna Report
Battlestar Galactica: A Mirror
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
GOP: The Party of Morality?
However, this is yet another example of the Republicans' culture of secrecy and abuse of power. Not only were the personal actions of Mark Foley, the Congressman who recently resigned, inappropriate, but also involved an element of abuse of power and authority. A congressman must be very intimating to a teenage page. It seems that the congressman abused his authority and pressured the pages into illegal actions.
But this abuse of power, and impulse to cover-up if not outright lie seem to be standard operating procedure for the Republican party. It is obvious now that we did not go to war in Iraq over WMD, not simply for the benefit of the Iraqi people, nor to defend ourselves from a clear and present threat to our security. There were no links between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, despite what Vice President Dick Cheney says. We are told that the preemptive war in Iraq is going well. There are billion of dollars that have disappeared in Iraq - funds that were supposed to be rebuilding the country after we invaded it. The government is bent on wiretapping American citizens without warrants, and bypassing a court set up for that purpose. Republicans (and yes, a few Democrats too) have been implicated in charges of illegal and legal bribery - voting for policies based upon unethical campaign contributions. The economy currently is doing well - with the rich benefiting from government policies that are killing the poor and middle class. Plus, we still don't know what the Vice President and oil executives decided behind closed doors. But we do know that until recently gas was over $3.00 a gallon in most parts of the U.S. The worst hypocrisy is that the Republicans in their self-righteousness have branded themselves the party of "personal responsibility" and morality. Perhaps people are beginning to see the current Republican party and for what it truly stands: Freedom (for the rich from taxes), Liberty (for congressmen to abuse their staff), Justice (for those that can bribe elected officals), and Democracy (One person, one vote - of course it will be counted on a Republican-funding Diebold company voting machine,) and Personal Responsibility (for self-professed Christians until they are caught taking bribes, or abusing minors. The GOP has strayed far from being the party of Lincoln.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
A Bad Day for Monotheism
The irony here is that the point of the Pope’s speech was about the incompatibility between violence and true religious belief. In the same speech he later said, "Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul.” This was a very true point and the message was one that we should expect from the Holy Father, leader of over 1 Billion Catholic Christians.
I am very upset with this incident. For one, the Pope’s message of peace and understanding was misconstrued and taken out of its full context. In fact, several churches in the Middle East were attacked after the media reported on the Pope’s speech. This can not help the poor image of Islam held in the west. Rather unfairly, I might add, as once again the actions of a few extremists make a bad name for the majority of peaceful Muslims. So the Pope was horribly misinterpreted. At the same time, I am not happy at all with the Bishop of Rome. Why in the world did he choose to quote from such a text? Why did he not then pronounce such words as misguided? It seems to me as if he was actually taunting the Muslim world. “Prove that you have a religion of peace!” He seemed to say while goading them with the words of a long-dead Byzantine Emperor. Why this approach? Some say that he is more “hawkish” than his predecessor, Pope John Paul II. I thought that the symbol of the Holy Spirit was a dove. (As is the symbol of peace.) I humbly suggest that the Holy See use a bit more tact and think about the future impact of “hawkish” language in the future.
Monday, September 11, 2006
September 11th
People might blame the atrocities on militant Islam. But to call such actions Islamic is truly absurd. These acts are terrorism through and through. On the other hand, American killing of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq is labeled collateral damage. But one should not call this Christian aggression for such actions are truly contrary to the spirit of Christianity as well. Neither of these things are virtuous nor Islamic nor Christian acts. Terrorism is terrorism. The way to fight terrorism is first not to become a terrorist. There is truly wisdom in treating others the way one wishes to be treated. We should be spreading that message rather than the current message of “might makes right,” - regardless of what good ends for which we claim to be fighting.
On this September 11th, my thoughts and prayers shall be with the victims and their families. I shall also pray for any and all potential future terrorists – that they be dissuaded from militancy and see the true path of justice and holiness lies with treating one another with dignity, respect, and compassion.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Have You Stopped Torturing People, President Bush? Yes or No?
Now, the Bush Administration is changing its policies of holding prisoners in secret CIA prisons and using hard techniques that sound like torture - but aren’t supposed to be - to policies which conform to the law. Some may say this is progress, which it certainly is, but it is long overdue. This is not even mentioning the fact that this should never have been done in the first place. Now, with even a highly conservative Supreme Court ruling against the Bush Administration’s handling of prisoners, and the Republicans’ prospects in the upcoming mid-term elections in jeopardy, the Bush administration is changing its approach – dare we call it a flip-flop? Well, it is too little too late. We can see this move for what it is – a pragmatic and reluctant move by an administration that would rather “do its own thing” than follow the law.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Progressive Values - Who Shall Speak For Us?
So then, in our two-party tradition, the Democrats are the obvious choice. They must speak for we progressives, is that not so? Unfortunately, they have not been very outspoken in their opposition to the Republican efforts to undermine our freedoms, deceive the public, and squander our lives and resources. What kind of an opposition have they been? They have been an almost nonexistent opposition, I must admit. Further, they have offered few, if any good ideas of their own in the past few years.
So what are our progressive ideals? We stand for equal opportunity, a chance for everyone in society to flourish and contribute to the best of our ability. We count our people as having the highest value, not their money. Thus we want to see that no person’s life goes to waste, for their own as well as our own sake. We want to see everyone PROGRESS in their lives, and we look for means to allow everyone to have that opportunity. Every time a child goes hungry, we suffer as a community. Every time a prospective student can’t afford to go to school, we all suffer. Every time a homeless person becomes ill, we all suffer. Every time a person is denied employment based on their race, gender, or orientation we all suffer. Every time making money takes precedence over people’s welfare, we all suffer. Every time an election is contested and the truth is not sought, we all suffer. Suffering may be an inevitable part of life, but allowing needless and fruitless suffering is outrageous. We progressives stand in favor of eliminating needless suffering. This is true in our own communities and nation as well as around the globe. So, we would rather work with others, not dictate to them, for the mutual benefit all. Most of us progressives have deep philosophical and spiritual values that inform our opinions. We would rather build a more happy, prosperous and healthy earth, rather than waste all our resources in hope that the rapture will take us away before things get really bad. In fact, most progressive ideals ARE Christian ideas! I don’t recall Christ’s sermons on the need for preemptive military action, the need to lobby Caesar for lower taxes, or his advice on how to judge and force people to conform to one’s own conception of morality. But I do seem to recall a good deal about forgiving one’s enemies (Matthew 4:14-15), not judging other people (Luke 7:37), and loving one’s neighbor. (Matthew 19:19 )
It does not seem that the Democrats have been doing much to promote our values, and the Republicans have been working against them.
So will stand for these values? I wonder…
Saturday, August 05, 2006
On Heraclitus
I have been reading Frederick Copleston’s History of Philosophy. Volume one of the nine volume work deals with Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. This is undoubtedly the philosophy with which I am the most familiar. But there was something that struck me when I read Copleston’s interpretation of Heraclitus. Most people (if they know of Heraclitus at all) seem to remember him for his saying that “All things are in a state of flux.” (Something he never actually said.) Many books and many of my professors in college have rather agreed with the Hegelian interpretation. That is they paint Heraclitus as claiming that all things are in a state of chaos and are many. They go on to contrast the position of Heraclitus with that of Parmenides who claimed that all things are one and unchanging, and that change and motion are an illusion. Then Hegel (and many others) point to Plato as the great synthesizer, who crafts a position whereby there are unchanging universal forms and a realm of becoming consisting of the ever-changing objects of sensation.
As much as I like to give credit to Plato for creating a truly well-reasoned philosophical system, I think in this case most have simplified the position of Heraclitus to fit a nice Hegelian synthesis with the position of Parmenides.
While it is certainly true that Heraclitus did say, “You could not step twice in the same rivers; for other and yet other waters are ever flowing on.”1 He also wrote “In the same rivers we step and we do not step. We are and are not.”2 If we are to take just these two passages, we might have strong evidence to support the common characterization of Heraclitus as simply the philosopher of chaos or flux. But Heraclitus seems to also make the case for a natural tension in the world, held between opposing states or forces. He writes, “The harmony of the world is of tensions, like that of the bow and the lyre.”3 Heraclitus also writes, “Men do not understand how what is divided is consistent with itself; it is a harmony of tension like that of the bow and the lyre.”4 Looking at Heraclitus in this light, he seems to be arguing in way more consistent with the systems of Eastern thinkers such as 老子 Lao Tsu (Laozi) who write of the world consisting of the道 Tao which is a harmony of tensions. Heraclitus does explicitly write of the unity of the opposing tensions, “It is wise, listening not to me but to the Law, to acknowledge that all things are one.”5
I have to agree with Copleston’s understanding of Heraclitus. “What are we to say of the doctrine of Heraclitus, the notion of unity in difference? That there is a many, a plurality, is clear enough. But at the same time the intellect strives to conceive a unity, a system, to obtain a comprehensive view to link things up; and this goal of though corresponds to a real unity in things: things are interdependent.”6
I am glad that Copleston has pointed this out. Reading his thoughts on Heraclitus encouraged me to go back and look at Heraclitus’ surviving work with a mind to compare what he had written with the common interpretation of his work. Sure enough, many people it seems, are content to turn Heraclitus into a caricature, a kind of anti-Parmenides. While much of Heraclitus' writing is obscure and mystical, enough can be discerned to show us that this is not true.
This serves as a reminder to go back and look at the primary sources and not take a commentator at their word. I have been frustrated in the past by overly simplistic and (at least to my mind) wrong interpretations of Plato, so I am already weary of secondary sources and their bias. This incident will serve as a reminder for me not to abandon my slow progress through the original writings of philosophers, a process which I began back in 1997.
1 Heraclitus as quoted in Nahm, M.C. (1964), Selections from Early Greek Philosophy, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall p.70 (Fragment 41)
2 Heraclitus as quoted in Nahm (1964), p.73 (Fragment 81)
3 Ibid. p.71 (Fragment 56)
4 Ibid. p.71 (Fragment 45)
5 Ibid. p.67 (Fragment 1)
6 Copleston, F., (1946), A History of Philosophy: Volume 1 Greece and Rome, Mahwah, N.J., Paulist Press p.45
Saturday, July 29, 2006
On July 27th, I turned 33 years old. As a Christian, the age of 33 has a special significance. After all, that is the age of Jesus when he died. To think that He accomplished all of His work on earth by the age of 33 is truly remarkable. Few can claim to have affected the world as much as Jesus. So, I am reflecting on my life and accomplishments as I turn 33. I find that while I have accomplished many important goals, I still have not nearly reached my potential yet.
I am very glad that I am very happily married, have lived for three years in Japan, made a few wonderful friends, finished college, graduate school, traveled in Europe and Asia, am working rewarding and meaningful jobs, and am living in California, close to where I want to be. But I still feel that I have so much more to accomplish and much more work do to better this world.
Jesus is an example of someone who accomplished a great deal in a short lifetime. There are others. I only hope that I am able to accomplish what I can in the years to come. I hope and pray that I am able to make more of a positive impact in the world. That is my ultimate goal. As I turn 33 I am glad to say, upon reflection, I am on the path to achieving my goals, but it seems I have a long way to go.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Life Begins to Look Up
In many ways, for me, it is like being back in 1997-1998 when I was working part time, and spending the rest of the day at the coffee house reading philosophy and doing some writing. Only this time, it is better. I have meaningful jobs, and best of all, this time I am happily married. Things are certainly looking up for us. Now if we can only move to the city…
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Out of Work (Again)
So, now I’m searching for a job. (Hopefully a meaningful one). Hopefully one that will take my wife and I closer to San Francisco, to where we are dying to move. I’m glad I live in the Bay Area, where job prospects are much better than Ohio and my chances of finding meaningful work are greater.
We are not asking for a great deal, I don’t think. But we need to be able to sustain ourselves so that we can better be in a position to help others. That is truly our goal. I pray this time of uncertainty will lead us a step closer toward the realization of that goal.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
The Illegal Immigration Debate
This is a complex issue with more than 2 sides in opposition. First, there are businesses who claim that there are many jobs that Americans won’t do, and these must be filled by immigrants legal or otherwise. Then there are the immigrants themselves who come from severe poverty and are willing to risk their lives in a effort to better the lives of themselves and their families. Then there are the people caught in between the illegal immigrants and their employers. People who have to live with altered communities and less prospects for higher wages as illegal immigrants drive wages lower. Then there are those who benefit from the additional goods and services that are bought by having more people come to an area. It is indeed a complex issue with many sides.
I try (as I often do) to think what I would do if I were placed in each side’s position. What if I were a poor unemployed or underemployed person living in Mexico with a family to support. What would I do? I would try to immigrate legally, of course to America where opportunities are more plentiful. (In fact that is not so dissimilar than my moving to California from Ohio.) However, it is not so easy to get into America and that seems on the face of it absurd for a country that has always been a destination for people from other places. Every study I’ve seen shows that immigrants (legal and illegal) actually contribute more to the economy than they take. It seems to be that by allowing more people to enter legally, we’d reduce the amount of illegals coming in. We can’t fault people for wanting to better themselves – that would be… …un-American.
So what of the people caught in the middle? The people who’s communities are altered by strange faces and languages being spoken? Well, in my opinion, any time in America’s history was a time that people had to deal with this. There was opposition to immigrants from Ireland, Germany, Poland, etc. By allowing more people from various places in, one culture won’t dominate and thus, we will all have to work toward common goals. As far as taxes and services are concerned, having legal immigrants around helps. So it would be in the best interests of most communities to allow more legal immigration. It is not as if there is no room here in one of the largest pieces of real estate on the planet. I don’t mind people from other places living near me – I welcome it –I think that is one of America’s strengths. Certainly the statistics will back this up – look at the work of Richard Florida. Openness to immigrants is one factor that tends to predict an area that will be economically strong.
So now we turn to the employers. These are the people who provide the jobs that bring the illegal immigrants here. They say that there are jobs that Americans won’t do. I doubt that. The real statement should be that there are jobs that Americans won’t do for such low wages and lack of job security or protection of the law. These workers, while making more than they would in their native lands, put up with turn-of-the-last-century lack of protection. They have no heath care (like many of us native citizens) but also have no real recourse to protections that many of us take for granted. Some of these contractors may not be able to find workers, but there are many I’m sure that would be the first to show up at the slave market if it were open. It’s disgusting, but it is homeowners who are the largest employer of illegals. This dilemma is one that “average” Americans have created for themselves. I would never hire some for whom I couldn’t be responsible, simply requiring them to do my bidding then throwing them away. Thus I lay most of the blame on homeowners who’d rather save money by hiring an illegal worker to do menial work, just so they can save up more quickly for filling up that Hummer for a trip down to Disneyworld.
If we want a better America, we can’t keep hiring people that must live a separate life, cut-off from the dominant society for fear of discovery by the authorities. Such a situation breeds gang violence, drug trafficking, and a collapse of community.
I certainly hope that for all the attention that this issue is getting, that something is done to punish those who ignore our labor laws. I hope that something positive will result from his debate. But I’m sure nothing will happen. A few window dressings may change, but the cheap-labor shop will remain open for business. After all, the kids need a new toy for Christmas, why hire someone who wants to buy their own children a toy for Christmas, let’s just grab a throw-a-way person from Home Depot to fix up our house.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I'm not a Heretic
In Islam, Muslims are called to follow the Sunna of Mohammad. This means emulating him in every respect possible. We as Christians should do the same by emulating Christ. Christ did not spend his days condemning people, but rather helping them and teaching them a better path by words and deeds. His actions are the perfect example for us to follow.
You scored as Chalcedon compliant. You are Chalcedon compliant. Congratulations, you're not a heretic. You believe that Jesus is truly God and truly man and like us in every respect, apart from sin. Officially approved in 451.
Are you a heretic? created with QuizFarm.com |
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
My Theological Worldview
Roman Catholic Emergent/Postmodern Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan Classical Liberal Neo orthodox Modern Liberal Charismatic/Pentecostal Reformed Evangelical Fundamentalist You scored as Roman Catholic. You are Roman Catholic. Church tradition and ecclesial authority are hugely important, and the most important part of worship for you is mass. As the Mother of God, Mary is important in your theology, and as the communion of saints includes the living and the dead, you can also ask the saints to intercede for you. 96%
64% 61% 57% 50% 39% 11% 4%
What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.com
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Who am I?
I thought I would begin 2006 by posting a few “tests” that may shed some light on who I am and from where I am coming. I’ll start with the “What is your world view?” test.
This was an interesting little test. I was quite happy to hear that I correspond exactly with the Cultural Creative model. I did wonder though about what I and Fundamentalists share in common. Without knowing the specific workings of this test, I have a few educated guesses. I answered that we must look to the past in order to progress. That may be something with which many fundamentalists would agree. But I answered in this fashion because I feel that one does need to look back to see where one has come from to ensure one does not move in a circle back to the past and repeat mistakes. Seeing where one has come from provides an invaluable benchmark to determine where one may be in the future. Other than that, I’d be hard pressed to figure out why I scored so high on the fundamentalist category.
You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.
What is Your World View? (updated) created with QuizFarm.com |
Cities I've Visited
About Me

- Matt
- Lima, Ohio, United States
- I was born and raised in Ohio. I am a lifelong Catholic Christian who has always been interested in the big questions of life. I have a passion for learning especially Philosophy, Science, Religion, History and Culture. I graduated from the University of Toledo in 2001 with a B.A. in International Relations. I married my soul-mate, Jen in 2001 and we moved to rural Tanigumi-mura Japan where we taught English for 3 years. We moved to California and lived in San Francisco and the Bay Area for 4 years. Tired of sitting on the sidelines, I began volunteering for the Barack Obama campaign in March of 2007 and was eventually hired as a Field Organizer. Through the Obama campaign, I found my calling and moved back to Ohio to continue organizing. In 2009 I helped the field operations of the Keith Wilkowski for Mayor of Toledo race. After that, I was hired as a Regional Field Director for 15 northwestern and north central Ohio counties for the 2010 Democratic Coordinated Campaign. Jen and I are continuing to volunteer as we wait for the next organizing opportunity to present itself.