Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Audacity of Hope, Not the Audacity of Hate

Barack Obama just held a press conference where he clarified the differences in his views from those of his former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Read more here. While I am very glad that Senator Obama did so, I am saddened by the necessity of his actions. Unfortunately, Reverend Wright who was forced into the spotlight when a few of his inflammatory statements became widely played, had a unique opportunity and he squandered it. Rev Wright had the opportunity to bring a Christan message of helping those who are oppressed and talk about what needed to be done to help us move forward together. He hurt the causes he believes in whether he realizes it or not. That is most unfortunate, because, these are causes I believe are important - social justice, racial equality, and an end to aggressive and violent foreign policies.
I am saddened by Reverend Wright's choice to make himself the story and suggest that the media are not criticising his fringe views but the African American church. Senator Obama had to distance himself from his friend and former pastor. He really had no choice. This is Reverend Wright's fault for making such inflammatory statements. Remember, Reverend - it is the audacity of hope, not the audacity of hate that brings change and progress. Now let's hope the media can focus on the issues and not be distracted by the Reverend Wright.

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About Me

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Lima, Ohio, United States
I was born and raised in Ohio. I am a lifelong Catholic Christian who has always been interested in the big questions of life. I have a passion for learning especially Philosophy, Science, Religion, History and Culture. I graduated from the University of Toledo in 2001 with a B.A. in International Relations. I married my soul-mate, Jen in 2001 and we moved to rural Tanigumi-mura Japan where we taught English for 3 years. We moved to California and lived in San Francisco and the Bay Area for 4 years. Tired of sitting on the sidelines, I began volunteering for the Barack Obama campaign in March of 2007 and was eventually hired as a Field Organizer. Through the Obama campaign, I found my calling and moved back to Ohio to continue organizing. In 2009 I helped the field operations of the Keith Wilkowski for Mayor of Toledo race. After that, I was hired as a Regional Field Director for 15 northwestern and north central Ohio counties for the 2010 Democratic Coordinated Campaign. Jen and I are continuing to volunteer as we wait for the next organizing opportunity to present itself.